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Tricia Andreassen

Tricia Andreassen has a mission—a “life calling” she describes like this:

“My mission is to bring teaching and strategies to breakthrough challenges, struggles, and obstacles that show up daily in our business and personal lives. Each person has a purpose and calling. I want to help as many people as possible discover what God has placed in their heart to do.”

As a young entrepreneur, Tricia bought her first real estate investment property at age nineteen, became a manager of a real estate company and continued on as National Speaker for where she trained real estate professionals how to market themselves on the Internet. Seeing a need in the real estate industry, Tricia started Pro Step Marketing and Advertising in grass roots fashion from the bonus room of her house and grew it into one of the most internationally recognizable companies within the real estate technology space. After almost fifteen years of CEO and CMO she sold her company to expand her professional speaking, coaching practices, and training programs in the Christian faith. Her business book Interfusion Marketing hit #1 in less than five hours and remained on the best-seller list for fifty-nine weeks. She now is a multi best selling Author in the Christian Living genre addressing topics such as resilience, courage, hope, and more.

John Maxwell, the world’s #1 ranked leadership expert, has certified Tricia as both Speaker and Coach to teach leadership, personal growth, and youth development programs. Her credentials also include an Executive Coach ACTP certification through the International Coaching Federation that positions Tricia to bring creative strategies to organizations, schools, ministry groups, and leaders from all walks of life. Her coaching practice is unique in bringing forth the strengths that lie within so they are maximized in business, in life and in relationships.

As her mission progresses, Tricia’s growing life story continues to be told with a central message of persistence, resilience, and faith woven into insightful strategies that heal the soul and create breakthrough. Her passion is to creatively deliver, inspire, motivate, and to bring lasting change through writing, speaking, teaching, the arts (including songwriting) in intimate gatherings such as workshops and retreats that focus on unlocking inner warrior strength. While having a focus on the spiritual, Tricia brings this understanding into the company workforce environment through Organizational Development, Digital Marketing Campaigns, Sales Training, People Management, and DISC Behavioral Consulting.

To inquire about Tricia’s speaking topics, private coaching or group programs email

Tricia's Books

Faith In Real Estate

“Guard your heart”--the prime real estate of your life--with F-A-I-T-H!

Ever ask yourself: Can I continue at this pace? How do I keep up with the demands of achievement mode? Do I have a choice? Do you tell yourself: Keep up the ‘good face,’ everything is fine, just be a good person, do what is best for others, just work harder because you’ve got this--as you feel like crumbling inside? You are not alone!

Collectively, allow these testimonials to guide your reflections through intentional journaling as you question your motivations, mark your purpose, and grow your faith, be more God-reliant, and find permission to take care of yourselves in the seasons of life.

Join Tricia Andreassen, along with eight other co-authors, who will lead you through their struggles, pain, and hardship. Find out how their faith helped them through the most difficult times.

Your heart might be telling you that you are not a warrior; that you are no way close to it.


He has given each of us a strength that has his DNA. This book of teaching, inspiration, and insights will you help unlock the mighty warrior that is inside of you. Let God awaken the warrior and unlock the gifts that He has bestowed upon you. It's time for you to Rise Up and Step Forth into the journey meant for your ordained purpose.

Join Tricia Andreassen, along with twelve other co-authors, who will lead you through their struggles, pain, and hardship. Find out how their Inner Warrior helped them through the most difficult times.

Journey To Forgiveness

A journey to true, deep-rooted forgiveness is a hard journey to venture into, leaving many to wonder if they are even willing to go that far. Going much deeper than the simple words of "I forgive" these stories and teachings will show you how to look at forgiveness differently.

Beginning to step forward in forgiveness takes resilience to be willing to start over in some way. It takes courage to consider the actions that are needed to heal as well as a melding of faith, love and hope. Allow these stories to show you how forgiveness can be achieved even when it looks like it can't.

Join Tricia Andreassen, along with nine other co-authors, who will lead you through their life struggles and how they found the strength to forgive those who hurt them.

Reigniting Hope

Spark The Fire To Grow Hope In Your Life.

Hope, sometimes we feel like we have an abundant bucket of it and the next it can be like a security blanket ripped out from under us.

From moments in searching for hope to moment of holding on to the very last thread, these stories show how to go through the times where hope doesn’t seem to be there to when God shows up to ignite it once again.

Join Tricia Andreassen, along with fourteen other co-authors, who will lead you through their experiences of struggles and how they found hope.

Endurance - Going The Distance From The Valley To The Mountaintop

You may be feeling it right now as you read this. Overwhelmed and exhausted, you are wondering if you have any more left in you. You feel lost, wondering if you are able to even access that place within you that contains the stamina you need to keep going. Let these stories and devotional thoughts take you through the valley and up to the mountaintop where you can experience the promise of how you can go the distance!

Join Tricia Andreassen, along with thirteen other co-authors, who will lead you through their experiences of struggles and how they endured.

Stepping Into Courage

Fears take on many forms. You’ll see them at work in a CEO’s willingness to risk, a woman’s war with allergies, a boy’s lifelong insecurity, a son’s fear of losing his father, a professional’s search for peace, a young girl’s healing from years of abuses, a boy’s exchange of lost for found, a teenage girl’s transformation from unloved to loved through forgiveness, a leader’s peace found in dependency, a soldier’s victory discovered in surrender, a counselor’s change from career to calling,  a cancer carrier’s message of Hope, and a contractor’s can-do choices. In these pages, find what it takes to begin STEPPING INTO COURAGE! Tricia Andreassen, along with eleven other co-authors, will lead you through their experiences of stepping into courage during difficult times. A truly inspirational read.

Resilience In The Storm

What does Resilience mean to you? When the storms in your life come, how do you react? How do you overcome the obstacle? Tricia Andreassen, along with eleven other co-authors, will lead you through their experience and how they overcame the storms in their life. A truly inspirational read.

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