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Tom Cain
Author - Tom Cain
Contact Tom 

Phone: 217-202-3136

Tom started his career right out of high school in 1977, working for Kraft Foods in Champaign, IL. In 1985 he was offered the opportunity to take the Dale Carnegie course called Human Relation Skills, which he truly enjoyed. In 1990 he was asked to come back and become a graduate assistant for the course, which most people will do once or twice in their life; Tom did it for the next 20 years!

In 1989, while at work at Kraft Foods, Tom was in an accident that caused him to have 67 stiches in his right hand. When Tom met with the neurologist, he was told that he had a form of muscular dystrophy called Charcot Marie Tooth; he would be disabled from Kraft within one year and be in a wheelchair in ten years. Tom stood up, looked at that doctor, and proclaimed, “You do not know me or my God!” He left the doctor determined to prove him wrong.

Tom then began his Real Estate career in Savoy, IL, working with his dad, TL, and his sister Traci, the office manager. He hit the ground running with 23 sales his first year, and in 2006 he was at his pinnacle in the real estate business with a staggering 501 homes closed.

Most of Tom’s life has been dedicated to God and giving back to the community. He is the co-creator of Friends of Santa, an organization that made sure that every child in the school district had toys, clothes and food at Christmas. A strong Christian today, Tom shares a darker time when chasing success brought on his love for money, and that became his god. Within three years, Tom lost his wealth and fell into a deep depression. Fortunately, God didn’t turn away from him, and he not only found his way back to God, but was blessed with new success.

Today, Tom Cain is one of the leading coaches for Realtors®, Mortgage Lenders, Insurance Agents and other small business owners. He spent three years with Michael Maher, author of “The Seven Levels of  Communication”, as an executive coach.

Tom's Books

Stepping Into Courage

Fears take on many forms. You’ll see them at work in a CEO’s willingness to risk, a woman’s war with allergies, a boy’s lifelong insecurity, a son’s fear of losing his father, a professional’s search for peace, a young girl’s healing from years of abuses, a boy’s exchange of lost for found, a teenage girl’s transformation from unloved to loved through forgiveness, a leader’s peace found in dependency, a soldier’s victory discovered in surrender, a counselor’s change from career to calling,  a cancer carrier’s message of Hope, and a contractor’s can-do choices. In these pages, find what it takes to begin STEPPING INTO COURAGE! Tom Cain, along with twelve other co-authors, will lead you through their experiences of stepping into courage during difficult times. A truly inspirational read.

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