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Terry Wood

Terry is a husband, father, son, brother, friend and most importantly a Man Following Christ. His life passion is to reproduce reproducers for the Kingdom. He serves as a life coach, speaker, author, businessman, and entrepreneur.

His pursuit of reproduction has been built on the intentional principles gained from 30 years of self-employment as a contractor as a contractor and being immersed in College and Young Adult ministry for 26+ years as a layperson. He currently serves as a team leader in an Adult Bible Fellowship at his church. His passion is to see lives transformed through the application of biblical principles in marketplace environments and daily living.

Terry is a family man devoted to creatively releasing the reproduction of healthy life disciplines, which will develop servant leaders who fully engage the Lord as ambassadors, through acts of love and devotion to God and others. He resides in northern Indiana where he is active in raising his two sons, Zachary 13, and Jacob 9, along side of his wife Becky of 17 years. His involvement in local men’s ministry provides opportunities to hire and mentor young men while teaching them a trade to become self-sufficient entrepreneurs.

He established Break the Yoke Ministries in 2014 to come along side of men needing direction and input to break the cycle of addictive lifestyle behavior patterns resulting in incarceration. Terry’s business provides the platform that allows him to assist others toward personal freedom and balance in life.

Terry desires nothing greater than to see others embrace life, faith, and their passions to impact the world around them.

Terry's Books

Stepping Into Courage

Fears take on many forms. You’ll see them at work in a CEO’s willingness to risk, a woman’s war with allergies, a boy’s lifelong insecurity, a son’s fear of losing his father, a professional’s search for peace, a young girl’s healing from years of abuses, a boy’s exchange of lost for found, a teenage girl’s transformation from unloved to loved through forgiveness, a leader’s peace found in dependency, a soldier’s victory discovered in surrender, a counselor’s change from career to calling,  a cancer carrier’s message of Hope, and a contractor’s can-do choices. In these pages, find what it takes to begin STEPPING INTO COURAGE! Terry Wood, along with eleven other co-authors, will lead you through their experiences of stepping into courage during difficult times. A truly inspirational read.

Endurance - Going The Distance From The Valley To The Mountaintop

You may be feeling it right now as you read this. Overwhelmed and exhausted, you are wondering if you have any more left in you. You feel lost, wondering if you are able to even access that place within you that contains the stamina you need to keep going. Let these stories and devotional thoughts take you through the valley and up to the mountaintop where you can experience the promise of how you can go the distance!

Join Terry Wood, along with thirteen other co-authors, who will lead you through their experiences of struggles and how they endured.

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