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Marilee Harrington
Author - Marilee Harrington
Contact Marilee 

Born in northern Manitoba, Canada, Marilee moved several times in her youth, until settling down in Douglas, New Brunswick. Th ere she and her loving, supportive husband raised three active children, while pursuing her career as a teacher. Although faced with numerous challenges and blessings, Marilee has managed to stand fast in her faith, giving hope and encouragement to others as God leads her. With God’s strength, she has maintained a fairly active life, including participating in her local church and with the local Christian school’s International Homestay program.

As an educator, Marilee teaches most eff ectively through story telling. Th us, writing feels like a natural transition as she nears the end of a 30-year teaching career. Marilee is delighted to write about her life experiences, with the hope of inspiring others.

Anna's Books

Reigniting Hope- Spark The Fire To Grow Hope In Your Life.

Spark The Fire To Grow Hope In Your Life.

Hope, sometimes we feel like we have an abundant bucket of it and the next it can be like a security blanket ripped out from under us.

From moments in searching for hope to moment of holding on to the very last thread, these stories show how to go through the times where hope doesn’t seem to be there to when God shows up to ignite it once again.

Join Marilee Harrington, along with fourteen other co-authors, who will lead you through their experiences of struggles and how they found hope.

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