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Jacquie Fazekas

Jacquie Fazekas understands the power of being an overcomer. From surviving life-threatening illnesses and overcoming failure and fears, she has turned her passion into her purpose, which is helping others alleviate stress and disease by making healthier choices surrounding nutrition, mindset and lifestyle. Her writings, presentations and coaching encourages and leads others to choose healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Jacquie was born in Canada and moved to Naples, Florida when she was 13 years old. Since then, she has lived in many cities throughout the USA and travelled globally. As a former senior executive for four Fortune 500 Retailers with over 30 years of experience, she brings a diverse perspective and expertise on leadership and life.

With her passion to serve others, she is an Executive Health Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author of inspirational books. Passionate about health and wellness, she shares her illness experiences with others in hope of sparking more awareness about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Jacquie knows that living healthy is a choice. Today as an Institute of Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach and a Certified John C. Maxwell International Coach, Speaker and Trainer, she seeks to continue to serve others in their growth journey, meeting them where they are today and encouraging them along their way -- Everyone can live and lead well.

“Everyone in the world struggles and each person has their unique lessons to learn.”

Jacquie's Books

Unlock Your Inner Warrior

Your heart might be telling you that you are not a warrior; that you are no way close to it.


He has given each of us a strength that has his DNA. This book of teaching, inspiration, and insights will you help unlock the mighty warrior that is inside of you. Let God awaken the warrior and unlock the gifts that He has bestowed upon you. It's time for you to Rise Up and Step Forth into the journey meant for your ordained purpose.

Join Jacquie Fazekas, along with twelve other co-authors, who will lead you through their struggles, pain, and hardship. Find out how their Inner Warrior helped them through the most difficult times.

Journey To Forgiveness

A journey to true, deep-rooted forgiveness is a hard journey to venture into, leaving many to wonder if they are even willing to go that far. Going much deeper than the simple words of "I forgive" these stories and teachings will show you how to look at forgiveness differently.

Beginning to step forward in forgiveness takes resilience to be willing to start over in some way. It takes courage to consider the actions that are needed to heal as well as a melding of faith, love and hope. Allow these stories to show you how forgiveness can be achieved even when it looks like it can't.

Join Jacquie Fazekas, along with nine other co-authors, who will lead you through their life struggles and how they found the strength to forgive those who hurt them.

Reigniting Hope- Spark The Fire To Grow Hope In Your Life.

Spark The Fire To Grow Hope In Your Life.

Hope, sometimes we feel like we have an abundant bucket of it and the next it can be like a security blanket ripped out from under us.

From moments in searching for hope to moment of holding on to the very last thread, these stories show how to go through the times where hope doesn’t seem to be there to when God shows up to ignite it once again.

Join Jacquie Fazekas, along with fourteen other co-authors, who will lead you through their experiences of struggles and how they found hope.

Endurance - Going The Distance From The Valley To The Mountaintop

You may be feeling it right now as you read this. Overwhelmed and exhausted, you are wondering if you have any more left in you. You feel lost, wondering if you are able to even access that place within you that contains the stamina you need to keep going. Let these stories and devotional thoughts take you through the valley and up to the mountaintop where you can experience the promise of how you can go the distance!

Join Jacquie Fazekas, along with thirteen other co-authors, who will lead you through their experiences of struggles and how they endured.

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