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Dawn Briggs
Author - Dawn Briggs
Contact Dawn 

Dawn Briggs, a transplant from Illinois to Parker, Colorado is a woman in her early 60’s who has experienced God’s grace in her life through loss, challenges, abuse, health issues and great love.  A mother of an adopted daughter Melissa who is resilient in her own right, stepmom to David and Elizabeth who continue to surprise her through their resilience to life’s challenges and grandmother of nine she is walking through this journey of life with her beloved husband, Dave.

They have been married for 15 years and share a life of passion for grandchildren, animal rescue and laughter.   Helping small business owners through effective customer relations and strong business ties through networking in her company B.R.A.V.O. (Business Relationships Adding Value to Others) keeps Dawn busy even though she keeps trying to retire.

Dawn's Books

What does Resilience mean to you? When the storms in your life come, how do you react? How do you overcome the obstacle? Dawn Briggs, along with eleven other co-authors, will lead you through their experience and how they overcame the storms in their life. A truly inspirational read.

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