If you asked Chestina Parker Dowgiewicz to provide a bio 11 years ago she would have started off by introducing herself by her work title and listed all her notable accomplishments in her career and various leadership roles she held.
However fast forward to today; and Chestina will passionately declare who she is; first and foremost a child of God and then proceed to say, a wife, mother, daughter, sister, mentor, inspirational dancer, survivor, entrepreneur, speaker, coach, awareness warrior, Living Beyond Breast Cancer advocate, and Founder of My Ark of Health – literally in that order.
Chestina is on a mission, as she passionately calls it “market ministry;” as she shares her personal story from her health battle, her passion to inspire others in her dance, her time commitment to mentoring young entrepreneurs, and even in her advocacy of challenging women and men to make better choices in the daily products through her business she is ministering; even when she is simply “being still.”